Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nakba Remberance Day

Sunday, May 15, 2011 was an amazing day of joyful commitment by Palestinians. There were marches and demonstrations throughout the occupied territories; in addition there were marches that broke through zionist barriers in occupied Golan Heights, Syria.

There are many videos of brute violence of the ever-paranoid Israeli army & police.

As usual the casualties were only suffered on the Palestinian side.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Two Teens Accused in Itamar Murders

Israel announced the arrest of two teens from Awarta for the murders of the Fogel family in the illegal settlement of Itamar in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The scenario is familiar to anyone following zionist crimes against the native Palestinians in the on-going brutal forty-four year military oppression and all the crimes that go along with it.

The collective punishment of Awarta since early March this year was purported to be a retaliation for the killing of colonists in Itamar, which is built on land stolen from Awarta.

This crime was blamed solely on savage, uncivilized Palestinians. Some Thai workers were interrogated because they had a financial dispute with the Fogels (a matter of unpaid wages) and had been heard threatening these settlers, but the Netanyahu government immediately spun this as bloodthirsty criminals killing innocents whose only crime was defying international and humanitarian laws.

Netanyahu immediately announced plans for 500 more Jewish only homes and roads to be taken from Awarta as retaliation.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Awarta Revisited

Over the last month I've wanted to revisit Awarta, but everytime I sat down to do it, there were new articles reporting increasing abuse of the residents.
There have been constant raids, home trashings, mass arrests, hate speech incitement against the minority Palestinians. Middle of the night sound grenades preceding thirty armed to the teeth teenagers, scared and excited.

What happens when the children not only see their parents arrested, but beaten and humiliated? In Awarta the IOF arrested whole families, and they coerce Palestinians to sign Hebrew documents, a language most locals don't know.

Palestinians are living under a no holds barred occupation determined to rid Palestine of indigenous Palestinians.
I feel like I have to spell this out, as we in USA are all thoroughly brainwashed by zionist friendly media, government, entertainment. Who will ever believe the state television after the world wide web?

The story of Awarta is new to me. The slowly unfolding day by day agony of oppression. The cruel occupation is exposed in the bully tactics of the Netanyahu government. Exploiting a vicious murder as the work of Palestinian murderers while offering no evidence, and issuing a gag order so that journalists cannot report on the barbaric mass punishment of four hundred people, all ages, from elderly to newborns.

When did mass punishment become permisable?

As the veils of deception slip away from the zionist project, racism and injustice are revealed time after time. I may never understand this puzzle, why Israel never has consequences for destroying the rules of civility?

Two sources I've leaned on heavily are International Solidarity Group and Realistic Bird's Silver Lining

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Awarta on Curfew Lockdown in OPT

The IOF (Israeli Occupation Force) has imposed its presence on the Palestinian inhabitants of Awarta. This includes searching houses with destruction as partial goal, stealing anything of value, cell phones, broken computers, electric service cut, drinking water polluted with mud and human waste to having soldiers living in your home; with you and your family confined to one room.

An 80 year old woman with diabetes was beaten severely enough to require hospitalization.

These wild and all too common settler rampages followed by racist military searches, humiliations are deliberately incited by the Netanyahu government.

Zionists move to the Occupied Palestinian Territories in contravention of international law, for a variety of reasons. Financial perks, such as subsidized housing; religious beliefs that condone land theft as a God-given right.

On March 13th, the Fogel Family, illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian Territories, were attacked and stabbed to death. Three members of the family escaped to raise an alarm but their father, mother, and three siblings were killed.

This savage crime has been confiscated by the Netanyahu government and extreme Israeli zionists as a justification to terrorize more Palestinians. Terror by night raids, roadblocks, curfews, beatings, interrogations, arrest, child arrest and a promise by the Netanyahu government to build 500 more West Bank residences for Jews only in Occupied Palestine.

No evidence has been presented to suggest a Palestinian committed the Fogel Family murder. The Itamar 'Settlement' is heavily secured with the most sophisticated sound and motion detectors, alarms, armed security guards, surveillance and handy IOF military forces a 911 call away. Although the jargon of 'settlement' is in common usage, in reality this could be a small city of 500 or colony of thousands, it is illegal to resettle an occupiers population into occupied areas, according to international law. There is no more land theft by conquest since the Nuremberg Trials.

With the escaped children raising the alarm while the crime was still being committed a stranger covered in blood would surely be unable to conceal him/herself?

The murder of anyone is a tragedy, the unexpected passing of children especially pain us.

The political usage of murder to cause and incite pogroms on the occupied Palestinians is blatant ethnic cleansing. I see it, others see it. It is slo-mo genocide.

Any act to destroy a people because of their religion or ethnicity is genocide.

Please get enraged at this outrage. Please do not allow colonialist imperialism to prevail, we are in the 21st century and ready to take the next leap forward.
One World - One People

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Victory! Egyptian People Prevail

Friday, February 15th, 2011, was a day most of all of determination. The mood was upbeat, then frustrated when a rumor of President Mubarak was leaving was squelched when the Egyptian lackey of USA spoke on t.v. saying he was not going, and then finally it was announced he had resigned.

He thought he was indispensable. He was not.
He thought his will was stronger than the people, it was not.

People worldwide rejoice with the Egyptian People's Victory Revolution. This dignified, peaceful, non-religious and nonsectarian and no official political affiliations will be remembered with pride and affection in any true history of the present.

The hated dictator resigns, the people stage a bloodless coup, even though they were threatened, beaten, jailed and even killed by the state's actors, stayed steadfastly peaceful and dignified.

The revolutionary euphoria may have many long term ramifications, from the discredited Domino Theory as a possibility, the USA's facade is irreparable in the Middle East and to those of humanitarian values worldwide, even USA.

We can never go back to believing the excuses of bombing people into being a democracy,
or threatening an entire sovereign nation with sanctions that lead to children deaths and starvation while hypocritically boasting of America's compassion and largess. It isn't true. Everyone knows it isn't true. Even people w/o internet access now know it is not true.
The cannon fodder fight to keep each other alive. The programmed racial hatred and fear, instilled by America's military, and psy ops are mortally wounded when the people realize that USA does not walk the walk; and 2 faced talk helps no one in the long view.

The people of Egypt have shown the way forward. They have pointed the pathway to human dignity and rule of law and something as an American I wonder if I've ever experienced - I'm referring to freedom.
Freedom from sea to shining sea.

Best wishes for the success, the continued success and wisdom of the Egyptian People Revolution.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

January 25, 2011 - Spontaneous Revolution

Power to the People
Rebellions in Tunis caused their dictator to flee to Saudi Arabia recently. This preceded days of protest in Egypt at the repressive dictator, Hosni Mubarak. This is an extraordinary popular uprising that has the Empire and Israel quaking in their gucci combat boots.

The internet and cell phones were shut down in Egypt, but people poured into the streets regardless, demanding jobs, bread, end of military dictatorship notorious for repression and torture, but mainly they want the end of Hosni Mubarak and his henchmen.

Riots were in response to a self immolation who had been harassed for selling fruit and vegetables without a permit. His produce was either destroyed or confiscated and perhaps that was the last straw.(Not sure if this started Tunis successful rebellion, there were several self-immolations reported prior to January 25th in Egypt.)
The educated 26 year old doused himself in gasoline and lit himself on fire. He subsequently died. He was despondent because he had no other way to earn money for his family, though he was a college graduate, besides investing in fruits & vegetables to sell at a small markup.

More recent news is that Saudi Arabia has refused permission to Hosni Mubarak to enter Saudi Arabia. But not to worry, it has been reported that he has been offered refuge in Tel Aviv.

The dictator Ben Eliezer of Tunis fled to Saudi Arabia.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who will redeem the People of Egypt?

And who will redeem the land of Palestine, promised to ALL of Abraham's seed?
In the Old Testament, Moses told Pharaoh to "let my people go." Which is what Passover's all about. Moses leading the children of Abraham to the promised land.

Well Egypt is not claiming Divine intervention, yet they have surely endured bondage under President Hosni Mubarak. Supported and financed by USA to befriend, defend and collaborate with client state, Israel.

Both USA and Israel were unprepared for the popular uprising, despite Mossad reputation as top notch intelligence gatherer. The msm tried to frame this as a 'twitter revolution' but the people are calling it the Lotus Revolution.
Fear of the Muslim Brotherhood were trotted out as scary, rigid,terrorists on USA msm. Some commentators possibly believe this myth, judging by their sincerity.

The protesters are demanding President Mubarak to leave immediately,they want free fair elections held and they want a parliamentary system. They have much animosity towards Israel's 65 plus years of persecution and oppression of the Palestinians.

The pushing of the 'twitter' meme is to prep the USAns for internet controls, laws and regulation, imho. We all know they're probably being tested on Egyptians as we communicate. Unless the people of Egypt prevail, our police-state Bureaucrats will continue to try out Homeland Security Projects.
I've read that the FEMA internment camps are open and ready for business.

Our government isn't even trying to hide their contempt anymore, we USAns are the filthy, poverty-ridden masses and only the 'elites' can be trusted with democracy. I've seen many videos of the ongoing January 25th Revolution, American pundits saying such racist remarks as Arabs aren't politically sophisticated enough for democracy. What Cheek.
It's too late to sell that propaganda in the M.E. they've seen first-hand from Iran to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,Lebanon and Palestine too much innocent blood has been spilled for the dubious reasons of keeping the illegitimate zionist project running and the warmonger/elites stock portfolios fat with booty stolen from the poor.

The United Nations and world community have a responsibility to the people of the world to dismantle this frankenstein monster, the zionist debacle, and publish a simple constitution for the region that will guarantee equal rights to all. Accountability for the 60 plus years of oppression, criminality, occupation, brutality and unnecessary carnage. And oh yeah, how about some UN blue hats to secure Palestinians physical safety?

We've read the Palestine Papers Israel, you could have had peace and normal relations with all the Arab nations but you rejected it. What's that you said, always ready to miss an opportunity?
The people of the world are calling on you to end the occupation, remove your illegal colonists, and quit the home demolitions, let My people go.
The Zionist/New World Order(zio/Nwo) tyranny must end.

**racist remark/attitude alert